How To Get Out Of Dodge |
So, here's a bunch of links. I'm not sure how much I'll put on here - I mean,
the net's so quick anymore that it's hard to have an undiscovered something or
other. But for right now I know I can pimp the sites of my friends.
- Mechalink's site -
an untitled masterpiece of simplicity and a symbol of the unchanging aspect of
the world as a pillar of strength in a river of flux, or perhaps just another
site not updated since forever? WHO CAN TELL? Mecha was my roommate at Rose for three and a half
years, and he's got the bruises to prove it.
- Jay's Domain - Jay is
also sometimes called Moogle. Both Mecha and Jay are old Rose-Hulman buddies of mine
(I say old like it was thirty years ago) and Moogle's site is chock full of
SimCity stuff, and Civilization II stuff, and some game called A-Train or
something. I dunno what it is, but he's got a lot of it and I bet it's good.
- The GURPS sheet of James
Renken - Don't let the hideous page delude you. James, aka Calculus, owns Sandwich.net, wherein this site
is hosted, and also is an awesome geek in his own right. Calc aided in the
coding of this site in PHP, and has been an absolutely indepensable resource
while I've been coding my book index.
- Ardweden's Happy Page -
Ardweden is an Improer who's done a lot more writing than me and a very good
friend. Also a fellow roleplayer in #BESM. Her page hosts some of the other RPG
stuff that goes on at Sandwich.net. Ard also lives nearish to where I do, so
she's the Improer I see most often. In fact, we've made a habit of going to the
Taste of Chicago together for the past several years (only missing one).
- Chaotic Blue - the
site of Todd, another person I met through Improfanfic and also a really great
friend. Todd helped a great deal with the development of this site, and his own
site makes this one look plain. He lived for a while in Terre Haute with the
rest of us Hautians (don't bother, it's not supposed to make sense). So for that
period of time, he was the Improer I saw most often. Excepting Mecha
who's not really a person at all so I don't have to count him.
- Sugar High - From
Kristen Smirnov comes a fantastic site of her artwork and some drawing
tutorials. Kristen also helped out with the design for this site, most notably
for an excruciatingly difficult problem I had with the Oddness section. At any
rate, you have to visit the site. I mean, it's http://smirnov.net. You can't really have lived without
visiting http://smirnov.net.
(Don't ask why. Just go. It's compulsory fun!)
- Dan Dan Revolution - a
horrible pun and a barely implemented site by my good friend Coldfury, who is a
person from Sandwich.net, as
almost all of these people are. They're good peoples. Fury is good people, too.
If you're looking for something a little more robust than the standard ChamCam, Fury hosts the Impro CamPortal,
with a bunch of different campeople, including Calculus, even if he's never on.
- Thoughtviper.com -
the page of the man who brought you the Inexplicable Object of the Week, here's the rest of his site,
generally updated daily with a blog entry about things generally amusing or
political or actually there's really no way to quite sum it up well. So. Sadly
I've never met Bill in person, but damned if I don't someday.
- Second To Nun - also
run by an Improfanfic denizen. It's mostly Chrno Crusade stuff, a rather
interesting and sort-of obscure not-translated-yet manga that I have only read
bits of. Also, it has a godawful title.
Other links:
- Improfanfic - the
much talked about fanfiction/writing site that I blather on about for a while
over in my writing section.
- Surfing the
Apocalypse - a fantastic alternative news source site, if you can ignore the
site design.
- Homestar Runner -
You can't have not seen this already. Check out the Strong Bad emails.
And that's it for that.
"Holy froward hedge-born flax-wench! Where is
our head?"
Last updated 11/20/03. End of Line.